The general public of Daman was caught unawares when the police descended on them on the night of 19th November (2008). Many were returning from work or from shopping, others were just relaxing on municipal benches and public places and the yet others were in bars when jeep-loads of police accosted and indiscriminately beat up people all over Daman (Nani/Moti) and then herded them to the police station.
Those on mobikes were stopped and thrashed. It is reported that even some people who were still shopping, were beaten and the tables of those sitting outside bars, smashed to pieces. Those locked up were released around 2pm the next day.
Neither the victims nor the general public seem to know what hit them! It is alleged that when the victims tried to contact the local politicians, they discovered that they’d switched off their mobiles.
It is rumoured that the policemen were from neighbouring Silvassa. It is also rumoured that the Gujarat police were conducting a search for terrorists in Daman at the same time!
Another curious thing – only men, mostly young, were beaten up.
Since the 19th, people don’t venture out after dark. Bars – the only nightlife you see in Daman – wear a deserted look. It is rumoured that no more than four can seat at each table though there’s been no official notification of any kind… only rumours and more rumours!
Im back from work relaxing at home jumped on my pc and logged on to the internet. I am very sad to hear that such an incident occoured. I just had to put my beer back in the fridge.
One day there will be a time when some gangs or group will emerge and put corruption to rest. I pray for that day and I will be the first to sponsor that group.
Eradicate corruption totally. Get the corrupt police, ministers and officers naked on the streets.
I’ve got an idea why not pay some bihari guys to sort out the cops start with the highest rank first. I wouldent mind to fork out £200 for this kind deed.
Power to the people.
viva damao
I am Sorry about some my comments earlier. After hearing whats happening in mumbai, I can understand. They might have had some info prior to the incident and was trying to stop it.
Should we suspect any suspicious activities in daman lets report it to our authorities.
Viva Damao
There’s no connection – it is now common knowledge that what triggered the police action in Daman is that some rowdy boys not only refused to give way to the COP’s car near Bhamanpuja in Moti Daman, but threw stones at the police car, breaking the windows.