
Mario Miranda gets Spain’s highest civilian honour!

Daman-born, Mario Miranda became the first Indian to receive Spain’s highest civilian honor – the “la Orden de Isabel la Catolica” at a function held in his 300-year-old Casa de Miranda in Loutolim, Goa.  The honour comprises the cross of the official of the Order of Isabel and a citation from Miguel Neito Sandoval, tourism counsellor, director of the tourism department and the embassy of Spain in India.

My friend and mentor, Dr. Adelino Rodrigues da Costa, delgate – Fundacao Oriente, was one of the prominent guests at the function.

Mario, a close friend of my parents, considers himself a Damanense though he is of Goan descent. To read more about Mario, check him out on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Miranda#Biography

Viva Goa! Viva Damao!

2 replies
  1. Dr Ivan
    Dr Ivan says:

    I live in the same Village as Mario, Loutolim, and I pleased to know he is born in Damao,I know another Gentleman, Mr Britto,(ex Foot baller?coach) who has married a Cousin of my mom, Nandinha, who is proud to be a Damanese(though he hasnt visited Daman for at least 4 decades.He talks highly of the Gonsalves family(which I believe is Noel s mums family).I know of a whole lot of famous people who have their roots in Daman


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