Oops, They Did It Again!

It’s been reported that an anonymously written letter objecting to the transfer of a priest back to Daman, was being circulated last week.

Phones of people with connections (other than phone connections:) buzzed late at night, with matters finally getting to a head when two people suspected of having written the letter were summoned by the police.

And to think that these are the very people who have been teaching us to be like Christ and to ‘turn the other cheek’ – what cheek!!

While I was told that one elderly man did appear before the police, the other one who has a history of diabetes and hypertension, took so bad that the last rites had to be administered before rushing him to a hospital! Last I heard, he was still in hospital.

I pray that he recovers completely – he has a wife and young children.

Sorry to disappoint you, my readers – I cannot divulge names (at least not yet) and am forced to use terms like ‘alleged,’ ‘reported,’ etc., because it is rumoured that some of our pastors are contemplating filing defamation cases against a few of their parishioners.

How foolish we’ve been to sit pretty, feeling safe that persecution of christians only happened in other parts of India and could never happen in Daman. Who’d ever think that it would be an inside job. I’d reword the saying that charity begins at home to – “persecution begins at home!”

3 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Lets get rid of all the arrogant ones and request padres from portugal to our damao. Actually it will keep portuguese alive in our churches!


  2. Noël Gama
    Noël Gama says:

    That’s really a great idea! The hot topic on Daman forums these days is about the Damanense Portuguese language. This suggestion would take care of that too!
    And the clergy and the convent are the main bodies that did away with Portuguese:(



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