
Viva Damao – the book

I’m 90% done with the research for my book, “Viva Damao: The Indo Portuguese Subculture of Daman.”

Now begins the writing part of the project – should take three months; and another two months to pass through my editing.

Here’s a mock-up of the hard cover version:

And the soft cover version:                                     
Draft of Back Cover:
Become a fan of the book on Facebook – Click here!
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World Daman Day 2010

Take a sneak peek at the brand new World Daman Day 2010 website here: http://www.worlddamanday.com


Portuguese language course in Daman

I’m happy to inform that I received a letter from the ambassador of Portugal acknowledging the receipt of my book, “Culture Wise INDIA,” and promising all help in starting Portuguese language course in Daman!


Wanted: Potted History of Daman!

I’ve been searching for the potted history (also known as timeline) of Daman (Damao) for my website, www.discover-daman.com.

In case anyone has a source where I can obtain the potted history of Damao, I’d be very much obliged if you’d kindly share it with me.




Visit of Ambassador of Portugal to Daman on 12th Nov 09

The ambassador of Portugal came on a one-day (unofficial) visit to Daman along with the Goa-based Consul General on the 12th of November 09.

Though I couldn’t meet them, I was able to get my letter, requesting their intercession for starting Portuguese language classes in Daman, delivered.

My well-connected, UK-based friend and fellow Damanense, Victor Fernandes, gave both, a moral boost and a real boost to the project by forwarding the letter to the University of Aveiro, the Associativismo Sem Fronteiras das Comunidades Portuguesas, the Ministry of External Affairs and a prominent social worker in Portugal.

Here’s the text of my letter:


12th November, 2009
Dr. …
(Camp: Daman)
Dear Dr…,
Boas Vindas!
I take this opportunity to present you a copy of my first book, Culture Wise INDIA: The Essential Guide to Culture, Customs & Business Etiquette (Survival Books, UK) which was released on Amazon in May but most important for me, the first copy debuted in Portugal on 18th July 2009 and found itself in the hands of my long-time friend and mentor, Dr. Adelino Rodrigues da Costa (chief of Fundação Oriente – Goa).
I have mixed feelings – I wanted so much for my first book to be on the topic closest to my heart – Damão! However, the book does something for Damão because it gives Damão its first book author.
Loyal as I am to Goa, Daman & Diu, I mentioned in my book how and why the culture in this former Portuguese colony is different from the rest of India. But no two fingers are alike and so it is with siblings. These cultural differences though subtle, lend Damão its uniqueness, giving its people an identity of their own – the Damanense! This is the premise and essence of my forthcoming book, Viva Damão! The Indo Portuguese Subculture of Daman.
I’d like to mention here, with gratitude, that Viva Damão and three others in the series, have their genesis in one of my Blog2Book projects launched by the late Pedro Cabral Adão, former Consul General of Portugal at the commemorative function of National Day of Portugal, of Camões and of the Portuguese Community, in Daman on the 10th of June 2006.
Like my fellow Damanenses, I’m proud of my Portuguese heritage – the forts, the churches, the architecture, etc. – but what are these without culture? Our fort may not have made it into the elite Seven Wonders of the Portuguese World but it is culture that breathes life into monuments. And the Indo Portuguese culture of Damão is by far more Portuguese than that of Goa and Diu and thrives without sponsored efforts of any institution.
But there’s more…  our culture has spilled over to foreign shores, the UK in particular, and thrives there too. British community leaders are frequent observers at our social and cultural events, especially in Leicester and Peterborough where the concentration of Damanenses is densest – adaption is not on their agenda; they have adoption in mind! The worldwide success of World Daman Day 2008 & 2009 bear testimony to that.
But of all the cultural facets – art, religion, tradition, custom, language, music, cuisine, architecture and attire – language is not just the binding glue that holds it all together, it is the conduit through which culture is propagated. In this regard, I’m proud to say that of all the erstwhile Portuguese colonies in Asia, only Damão can boast that five decades after the Portuguese left, the mother tongue – a Lingua Mãe – of every newborn Catholic Damanense continues to be Portuguese, albeit as a dialect. Not only that – migrant traders from neighbouring states begin speaking the language in just 2-3 years, picking it up in their day-to-day interactions with Damanense customers! Can you say this of Goa and Diu or even Macau?
But Damanense youth yearn to learn standard European Portuguese which, unfortunately, was discontinued in the Institute of Our Lady of Fatima though the state board to which it is affiliated lists the language as an optional subject for the SSCE. In this connection, I’ve been in discussions with a newfound Portuguese friend, Dr. Henrique Salles da Fonseca, author of the blog, A bem da Nação, about launching a formal Portuguese language course in Damão on the lines of the one conducted by the Indo Portuguese Friendship Society in Goa. It is with this in mind – Ensino da lingua Portuguesa – that
I now seek your intercession and the resources of your good offices for bringing our project to fruition so that future generations of Damanenses can continue to say with pride, “Eu falo Português!”
Muito Obrigado,
Noël Gama

Mario Miranda gets Spain’s highest civilian honour!

Daman-born, Mario Miranda became the first Indian to receive Spain’s highest civilian honor – the “la Orden de Isabel la Catolica” at a function held in his 300-year-old Casa de Miranda in Loutolim, Goa.  The honour comprises the cross of the official of the Order of Isabel and a citation from Miguel Neito Sandoval, tourism counsellor, director of the tourism department and the embassy of Spain in India.

My friend and mentor, Dr. Adelino Rodrigues da Costa, delgate – Fundacao Oriente, was one of the prominent guests at the function.

Mario, a close friend of my parents, considers himself a Damanense though he is of Goan descent. To read more about Mario, check him out on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Miranda#Biography

Viva Goa! Viva Damao!


Win a copy (ebook) of “Culture Wise INDIA”

Win a copy of my new book, “Culture Wise INDIA” (Survival Books Ltd, UK) – it’s easy… visit the following url and enter your name and email address:


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Countdown to World Daman Day 2009 – Football match

In the countdown to the 2nd World Daman Day, a football match was organized by Ralph Miranda on the 16th of August 2009, 6pm, at the football ground in Big Daman. The two teams specially formed for the event were named, ‘Damao’ and ‘Portugal.’

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World Daman Day messages from WDD-09 Country Coordinators

Hello Mr. Noel Gama

It is so far one year past and here we are to celebrate, WORLD DAMAN DAY 2009.


It gives me very much pleasure to tell you that on the 16th. August 2009, we will be celebrating WORLD DANAN DAY with our few Daman people living here in Holland.

So right from this coner of Holland a land of WIND MILLS, we invite you all our Daman Fellows to join the CELEBRATION.





Celebrations are always full of excitement and joy. Today once again the Damaneses re-live Damanin the real sense of the word, via our customs and traditions not only through our festivities but in our hearts as well. We recall our great history, the ones who have gone before us and who are now blessings us from above.

Let’s soar in the tide of our second World DamanDay celebration throughout the globe in whatever way we can. Be proud of our great cultural heritage and always enjoy being a Damanese.
This is our Big Day to treasure, so cherish and fill it with wonderful, colorful moments and sweet, joyful memories. Let the extra rich and special feeling of this day envelop us in its warm embrace.Remember the unique and outstanding features of Damaneses are the warmth, love, care, concern and helping nature which always stands out and shines brightly for the world to see.

Wishing all the Damaneses around the Globe “A HAPPY WORLD DAMANDAY 2009”

Also, wishing the Goans “A HAPPY WORLD GOADAY.” and the people of Diu “A HAPPY DIUDAY”

Congratulations to Rene Barreto and Noel Gama for their successive triumphant achievements and efforts to make this occasion a day to remember.

Maria Franco & fly.
Country Co-ordinator, Fujairah, U.A.E.


Dear Damanenses,

Daman does not have many such occasions. Probably not one where all Damanenses – rich or poor, big or small, educated or uneducated, of different religions and casts, those who have never stepped out of Daman and those who live in a so called ‘classy world’, a day where, we all ‘THINK Daman’, ‘EAT Daman’, ‘LIVE Daman’ and ‘LOVE Daman’ together. This is a great investment, a marvelous happening and a boost to Damanenses and Daman.

I wish there had been such a day much earlier and sincerly hope there will be more of these to bring DAMANENSES and celebrate DAMÂO together in unison. Many may not have caught on this day-WDD, for various reasons. As for me, with all my heart, I wish to celebrate with every Damanense on this WDD-09 – not for the date, not for anything else, but just to be with all Damanenses. Good to have such a day. Good to have a dedicated Daman Day.

Congratulations to Noel, all Damanenses around the World, and Damanenses in Daman who make things happen. Thanks to Rene Barreto for whispering into Noel’s ears and a Happy World Goa Day to Goa.




Oscar Noruega & Family


Although we are miles and miles away from our dear homeland, we hold dear the Daman Culture and our bond with the people of Daman is beyond understanding. Canada is a beautiful place as you can see from the photographs and we all enjoy this beautiful place that God has made, however, we still love our Daman and in Daman we remain united.

God Bless all Damanenses,

Tony Machado
Country Coordinator (Canada)