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Press Release – 1st World Daman Day

Here’s the press release shot out by Rene Barreto founder – World Goa Day, from London on 3rd July 2008:

1st WORLD DAMAN DAY – 20TH August 2008

WORLD DAMAN DAY is being celebrated for the very first time on the 20th of August 2008 under the aegis of WORLD GOA DAY courtesy, Mr. Rene Barreto – the founder himself!

Daman has always looked upon Goa as its ‘Big Brother.’ But no two fingers are alike and so it is with siblings. These cultural differences though subtle, lend Daman its uniqueness. This worldwide event is a CELEBRATION of the unique culture of the people of Daman who have an identity of their very own – the DAMANESE!

“Damão is not just the former name of Daman,” says Noël Gama, Overall Coordinator of WDD-08. “It’s another name for the Indo-Portuguese subculture of Daman and is a way of life. But most importantly, when broken up into its two syllables, it reveals the secret behind the characteristic hospitality of the typical Damanese – ‘Da mão’ – which literally translates as, ‘give me your hand,’ in Portuguese meaning, ‘welcome!’”

The organizers are sure that the Administration of Daman and the Tourism department in particular, will support this endeavour. But only the proactive participation of Damaneses abroad will make it a resounding success.

So, we call upon all Damaneses wherever you may be around the globe, to dedicate the 20th of August every year, to PROMOTE, PUBLICIZE and CELEBRATE all things DAMANESE by showcasing Damanese cultural heritage through artistic and cultural expressions and celebrations like…


People of Damanese origin, all over the world, are invited to come together and not only actively participate but initiate these worldwide celebrations, which will be coordinated by Noël Gama who is based in Daman.

Let’s all celebrate all that is Daman – the sights, the sounds, the senses and the ‘saudades.’ Let the party begin – feel, think, breathe, live, eat and yes, drink to Daman!

FOR MORE DETAILS – Please contact your coordinator in your country of residence or the Overall Coordinator in Daman at: noelgama@mac.com

About the Overall coordinator – Noël Gama is the winner of the “Writer of the Year 2007” award of The Writers Bureau, UK and the author of “Culture Wise INDIA,” now listed on Amazon.com. His signature Blog2Book projects caught the attention of a former Consul General of Portugal in India, who launched one of his websites, www.noelgama.com on Indo-Portuguese culture and is now being turned into four books viz., “Viva Damão! The Indo-Portuguese Subculture of Daman,” “Saudades! Folk Memories of Damão,” “If You Ever Come to Damão – Ultimate Travel Guide to a little-known Ex-Portuguese Hideaway”and “Where Angels Tread – Photo guide to the Churches, Chapels, Crosses & Grottos of Daman”

Country Coordinators:

Portugal – Bosco Mendonca
UK – Franco Fonseca /Bertoldo Lopes
Macau – Noel Libano
Holland – Veridiana Veloso de sousa
Fujairah – Maria Franco
Sharjah – Lysa Lopes
Australia – John Machado
Saudi Arabia – Sylvia Rebello
UAE – Joe Colaco
Ajman – Maria Noruega
Abu Dhabi – Anthony Colaco
Dubai – Jack Machado
Oman – Sharmila Mascarenhas
Saudi Arabia – Brian D’costa
Kuwait – Veronica Fernandes

Websites – http://web.mac.com/noelgama/wdd08


The World Daman Day 2008 website is now under construction but can be accessed here: http://web.mac.com/noelgama/wdd08

Feedback and suggestions are welcome!


Here’s some great news: Rene Barreto, the founder of World Goa Day contacted me for launching the first ever, WORLD DAMAN DAY along with World Goa Day on the 20th of August.

Like World Goa Day, WORLD DAMAN DAY is a day for Damaneses all over the world to celebrate our great cultural heritage which is so unique.

Rene asked me whether the culture of Daman is similar to that of Diu – this is what I replied:

“The culture of Daman has elements of both, Diu and Goa though more of Goa as Goa is the big brother of Daman & Diu.

However, Daman has a subculture mostly populated by the Catholics. I call this subculture, ‘Damao.’

And, this subculture is more Portuguese than the Indo-Portuguese culture of Goa.

My book, Viva Damao! Guide to the Indo-Portuguese Subculture of Daman, portrays this.”

Rene has invited me to be the World Coordinator and is now seeking Country Coordinators in the UK, Portugal, Macau, Dubai and every country where we have even just one Damanese.


Oops, They Did It Again!

It’s been reported that an anonymously written letter objecting to the transfer of a priest back to Daman, was being circulated last week.

Phones of people with connections (other than phone connections:) buzzed late at night, with matters finally getting to a head when two people suspected of having written the letter were summoned by the police.

And to think that these are the very people who have been teaching us to be like Christ and to ‘turn the other cheek’ – what cheek!!

While I was told that one elderly man did appear before the police, the other one who has a history of diabetes and hypertension, took so bad that the last rites had to be administered before rushing him to a hospital! Last I heard, he was still in hospital.

I pray that he recovers completely – he has a wife and young children.

Sorry to disappoint you, my readers – I cannot divulge names (at least not yet) and am forced to use terms like ‘alleged,’ ‘reported,’ etc., because it is rumoured that some of our pastors are contemplating filing defamation cases against a few of their parishioners.

How foolish we’ve been to sit pretty, feeling safe that persecution of christians only happened in other parts of India and could never happen in Daman. Who’d ever think that it would be an inside job. I’d reword the saying that charity begins at home to – “persecution begins at home!”

Goa Parishioners’ Association – To tackle ‘arrogant’ priests!

And you’d think that Goan priests took a dictatorial stance only with us in Daman!

An article (see scanned image) published by “Sathyadeepam” in their May 16-31st issue, cites instances where some priests refuse to administer sacraments to people who dare to challenge them or are poor and so have no voice, besides instances of parish funds being administered arbitrarily… sounds all too familiar, doesn’t it?

According to the article, about 200 Catholics met in Margao on April 18th to form the “All Goa Parishioners’ Association” (AGPA) which will address parish priests’ “dictatorial attitude,” besides fighting corruption and lack of religious freedom in the Church.

It’s time ADPA (All Daman Parishioners Association) came into being!

Miracles of Fatima – If you look closely

The feast of Our Lady of Fatima was celebrated as usual on the evening of 13th of May, 2008 at the foot of the grotto adjoining the church of O L of Remedios… high Mass followed by the procession around the park with the congregation holding home-made paper lanterns with candles in them, singing Portuguese hymns in praise of O L of Fatima. My wife, Louella pushed the pram carrying Noé, our seven-year old son as I walked alongside them bringing up the rear… so much like Fatima, Portugal. 

But I had my own agenda for the evening… 

About 18 years ago, I had written a song that was inspired by a sermon by Fr. Joseph Dias, my favourite preacher. His words, “you have eyes but cannot see. This man is blind but he can see…” had such a great impact on me that I reflected for days, when all of a sudden, the whole song fell into place and I wrote it down in one go in just 10 minutes flat. I titled it, “The Greatest Gift Of All,” and dedicated it to the blind. 

But what has this got to do with Our Lady of Fatima, whom I can see in her grotto every single day, from every window of our flat across the street? Well, the Writers Bureau (UK) announced their prestigious annual poetry writing competition recently and I thought about sending in my song (critiques all agree that it’s a poem too) with a new title, “For Your Eyes Only” and so I thought it appropriate to print it out and put it up to Her and let Her decide – if I won, the world would get to read it; if I did not, it would remain for Her eyes only but with a petition to help restore sight in the blind of the world.

We waited for the crowd to disperse after the service, so that I could make my special offering in private, by burning the sheet of paper instead of a candle, at the grotto. 

In the meantime, Carroll Remedios, my schoolmate, opened the glass door housing the statue in the grotto, so that he could recover the plants put inside for the Mass. As an afterthought, he brought down the statue for Noé to kiss. Of all the people that came to the service, only Noé got to actually touch the statue! And this was even before I had made my offering… I had to come back around 9.30pm to make mine, as I needed candles for setting the paper on fire. I thought this was very meaningful and again, so much like Fatima, Portugal… yet so different… so special, because it was She who came down to Noé! 

But it is only today, the 15th, that I realized another thing… She had also opened the door to accept my offering! It is I who have been blind for these last two days! And look at me, writing a poem for the blind!

Lee Gimpel Interview

Here’s the link to a pre-release interview of my book, “Culture Wise India,” with Lee Gimpel the editor of INDIA TRAVEL INSIGHTS: http://www.indiatravelinsights.org/noel_gama.html

India Travel Insights endeavors to provide insights into India travel and tourism through candid interviews with thought-leaders and knowledgeable observers. ITI’s contributors are Indians and non-Indians with informed opinions about the state of tourism in the subcontinent.

Lee Gimpel is a business, travel and technology writer based in the US. He is the author of the popular PassingThroughIndia.com blog as well as a forthcoming book about traveling through emergent India.

Sad Demise

Frank Gonsalves, a founder member of the Daman Association in Portugal, passed away on the 6th of March.
He was 82 and is survived by his wife, Celina and two sons, their wives and four grandchildren.

‘Bungalow Inglais!’

Look who’s on Amazon!

My book, “Culture Wise India: The Essential Guide to Culture, Customs & Business Etiquette” is now listed on Amazon.com

Culture Wise India is essential reading for anyone planning to visit or live in India, whether for business or pleasure, for a few days holiday or a lifetime. It is guaranteed to help newcomers avoid cultural and social gaffes; make friends and influence people; and enhance their understanding of India and the Indian people. Printed in full color.

Product Details
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Survival Books, Ltd. (July 25, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1905303475
ISBN-13: 978-1905303472

Here’s the link: http://www.amazon.com/Culture-Wise-India-Essential-Etiquette/dp/1905303475